For businesses to compete successfully now and in future, they need to make the most of the energy they consume and be able to transition effectively to a low-carbon world.
Our Energy Efficiency Centre of Excellence reduces costs, improves reliability and creates value for industrial, commercial and manufacturing customers.
Instead of implementing prescribed products, we take a ‘technology agnostic’ approach that starts with customers’ desired outcomes and works back from there to identify, design and implement the best solutions. We then draw on innovative technologies in areas such as on-site generation, Artificial Intelligence, carbon capture, energy storage, fuel-switching and biogas production.
The result is positive outcomes which address customers’ environmental and energy challenges. Typical benefits include:
- significantly reducing customers’ operating expenditure through targeted energy efficiency
- mitigating risk by avoiding customers’ reliance on grid-related energy
- enhancing the accuracy and visibility of customer data
- identifying more cost-effective fuels to generate energy on customer sites
- cutting customers’ climate change charges
- reducing waste heat from recovery and ensuring business and production continuity
- avoiding utility and inflationary price increases and network failures.