The Enzen hosted event showcased our capabilities and connected Utilities to Key IoT players in the region.
Over fifty key people attended the November "IoT Meet-Up of the things" network, from the government, research and technology companies, to hear the main presentation from Craig Lawton, Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT Australia SME.
Craig demonstrated the end-to-end integration of a device via The Things Network using the AWS platform as well as covered the latest in this space globally and focus at AWS on LoraWan technology.
We used the event to showcase our solutions to Utilities and potential new customers in our Adelaide Experience Centre in the space of IoTs and Smart City Applications.
We were able to demonstrate our ability to work with both Private operators such as Wellness Telecom and the Public networks such as The Things Network, showcasing some of the cutting edge technology that we are focusing in Australia today. All the attendees were hugely positive about Enzen's capabilities.